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Paul Davies on ‘What’s Eating the Universe?’

Paul Davies, a theoretical physicist, cosmologist, and best-selling author is Regents’ Professor of Physics and director of the Beyond Center for Fundamental Concepts in Science at Arizona State University. His research has explored quantum gravity, black holes, early-universe cosmology, and astrobiology as it relates to the origin of life. In 1995 he became the third physicist to be awarded the Templeton Prize, both for his groundbreaking research and his work engaging philosophers, religious leaders and the public around questions of the universe’s origin and nature. Nate Barksdale, lead writer for the John Templeton Foundation’s “Possibilities” newsletter, recently spoke with Davies…

Raising the profile of Science and the Big Questions (SABQ) research and researchers

The Illumination Tour

OCTOBER 11–17, 2017 | BOSTON, SAN FRANCISCO, LOS ANGELES   When what seems like “the ultimate curse” becomes “the ultimate state of being.” When Gordon Gund completely lost his sight at age 30 from the genetic disorder retinitis pigmentosa, his wife Lulie told him she would understand if he chose to end it all. But, she added, if he chose to persevere in the face of the disability, he should be all in: “If you want to do it,” she recalls telling him, “let’s go for it." Gordon Gund’s crisis, and the life that emerged out of it — a…

Monthly Grant Report – March 2020

Recently Approved Grants Human Sciences Project Title Grantee(s) Project Leader(s) Grant Amount Developing Belief: The Development and Diversity of Religious Cognition and Behavior: Phase 1 University of California, Riverside Rebekah Richert; Kathleen Corriveau $9,866,732 Pew-Templeton Global Religious Futures Project Phase VI Pew Charitable Trusts Alan Cooperman $2,446,900   Philosophy and Theology Project Title Grantee(s) Project Leader(s) Grant Amount Social virtue epistemology: What does it take to be an intellectually humble Socratic gadfly? Macquarie University Mark Alfano; Jay Van Bavel $797,870 The Launch of MA & PhD Degrees in Philosophy and the Foundations of Science for Latin America Asociación Civil de…

Religion, Spirituality, Aging, and Health

Monthly Grant Report – February 2019

Recently Approved Grants Human Sciences Project Title Grantee(s) Project Leader(s) Grant Amount What is Religious Experience? Validating and Testing the Inventory of Non-Ordinary Experiences University of California Santa Barbara Ann Taves; Michael Barlev $234,521 Using Self-Reported Religiosity/Spirituality to Predict Mental Health Outcomes and Biological Correlates Research Foundation for Mental Hygiene, Inc. Myrna Weissman; Connie Svob $234,302 Project Amazing Grace Phase 2: Making Sense of Grace Biola University Peter Hill $234,779   Philosophy & Theology Project Title Grantee(s) Project Leader(s) Grant Amount When and Why We Explain: Need for Explanation and Tolerance for Mystery in Science and Religion The Trustees of…

College Students’ Search for Meaning and Purpose: What Role Does Student and Institutional Religious Identity Play?

The Neuroscience of Free Will

Monthly Grant Report – January 2019

Recently Approved Grants Human Sciences Project Title Grantee(s) Project Leader(s) Grant Amount Tracking and Understanding the Effects of Transformative Events in People’s Lives Regents of the University of Michigan Rada Mihalcea; James Pennebaker $1,684,328 Systematic Review and Analysis of US Federal Investments in Research on Religion and Health University of Connecticut Crystal Park; John Salsman $234,207 The Third Religion, Economics and Society (RES) Initiative: Making the Economic Study of Religion and Religious Markets a Field of the Future Chapman University Jared Rubin $325,346 Divine forgiveness: Phase 1 Florida State University Research Foundation Inc. Frank Fincham $233,994 Religion and human flourishing…

The Testimony of Rocks and Minerals