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Results 791 - 800 of 808

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Daring to Believe: Popularizing the History of Islamic Philosophy and Theology for Modern Life

Expanding the Impact of Science for the Church

To Change How You Feel, Change How You Think

Desmond Tutu’s Message of Love and Peace for Easter

Act Like a Holy Man: A Documentary with the Dalai Lama and Archbishop Tutu

A Reflection on My Presidency of the John Templeton Foundation

Science of Gratitude

Insights and open questions from within the science of gratitude In 2011 Fordham University sociologist Costas Panagopoulos published a study concerning three U.S. elections in which he found that voters who were sent a postcard thanking them for voting in the last election were significantly more likely to vote in the next election than were those who were sent a postcard simply encouraging them to vote. This effect was surprisingly strong, and it successfully mobilized a diverse range of voters. Whether one finds oneself on the giving or the receiving end, there is something undeniably compelling about gratitude. Over the…

When Science Sends a Shiver Down Your Spine

One day, a young student named Jim sat listening in a lecture hall to a professor describing Maxwell's equations. He watched as the instructor scratched the algebraic figures on a blackboard with chalk. Line by line, the professor explained how the equations together describe the behavior of seemingly disparate and distinct phenomena—electricity and magnetism—and then with a series of calculations derived from these figures a new equation. In that equation was a number. "And that," the professor told the students, "is the speed of light." The unexpected and remarkable conclusion sent a chill down Jim's spine. Decades later, that young…

Exploring the Epigenome

Are we more than the sum of our genes? Three intriguing investigations add insight into the ways environment and experience shape genetic expression — sometimes in ways that can be inherited across multiple generations. One of the set-pieces of the grade-school explanation of evolutionary theory is the triumph of Charles Darwin’s theory of natural selection over that of the French naturalist Jean-Baptiste Lamarck. In Lamarck’s world, giraffes owed their long necks to generation after generation of their forbears stretching to reach the good leaves. In Darwin’s, giraffes had longer necks because for generations, giraffes born with a predisposition for long…


Background Since the extrusion of teleological explanation from the physical sciences, biology has wrestled with developing an account of living systems that avoids vitalistic mysticism or explanatory obscurantism, while recognizing rather than dismissing the distinctive agentive properties of organisms that perform metabolic work to attain far from equilibrium conditions. Specifically, living organisms sustain structural and operational conditions entailing targeted disequilibrium that is robust and resilient in the face of perturbation.  The purpose of this RFI is to solicit ideas for development of novel theoretical approaches and acquisition of data and that explore the origin, operation, interactions, and/or impacts of goal-directedness…