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Prayer, Relationships, and Health

Over the course of dozens of studies, Frank Fincham has compiled an impressive list of ways that prayer and forgiveness make a difference. Frank Fincham, who holds an endowed chair of the Florida State University College of Human Sciences, is a former Rhodes Scholar with an Oxford doctorate and a long track record of insightful study of relationships, religious practice, and health. In 2011 he was the recipient, as director of the FSU Family Institute, of a $1.13 million, four-year grant from the John Templeton Foundation to investigate the ways that prayer and forgiveness affect relational well-being and physical health.…

Forgetting and Forgiving: Exploring the Connections between Memory and Forgiveness

Monthly Grant Report – July 2019

Recently Approved Grants Character Virtue Development Project Title Grantee(s) Project Leader(s) Grant Amount #CultivatingCharacter: A Global Movement to Cultivate Character both Online and Off Through Living 24/6 Let it Ripple, Inc Tiffany Shlain $350,000 Exemplar Interventions to Develop Character Wake Forest University Eranda Jayawickreme, Michael Lamb $1,686,200 Identifying Metrics of Character Development in Adults: Insights from shared life in L’Arche L'Arche USA Tina Bovermann, Brenna Case $220,000 Individual differences and children’s motivations for forgiveness Trustees of Boston University Peter Blake $233,917 Innovative Videos for the Greater Good Regents of the University of California at Berkeley Jason Marsh $234,800   Human…

Ecclesial Theology and the Virtue of Forgiveness

Prayer, Relationships, and Health

Over the course of dozens of studies, Frank Fincham has compiled an impressive list of ways that prayer and forgiveness make a difference. Frank Fincham, who holds an endowed chair of the Florida State University College of Human Sciences, is a former Rhodes Scholar with an Oxford doctorate and a long track record of insightful study of relationships, religious practice, and health. In 2011 he was the recipient, as director of the FSU Family Institute, of a $1.13 million, four-year grant from the John Templeton Foundation to investigate the ways that prayer and forgiveness affect relational well-being and physical health.…

Conversations with Grantees: Angela Duckworth

Please note: The information in this article reflects our strategic priorities at the time of writing and may change over time. To confirm our current funding interests, please view our Funding Areas.   In this conversation with grantee Angela Duckworth, founder and CEO of Character Lab and professor of psychology at the University of Pennsylvania, she speaks about being a good person, advancing the science and practice of character development, and recognizing that you're not always right — a trait called intellectual humility. "Since there have been people, there has been this question of, how do I grow up to…

His Majesty King Abdullah II of Jordan Receives Templeton Prize

“Everything you honor me for simply carries onward what Jordanians have always done, and how Jordanians have always lived—in mutual kindness, harmony, and brotherhood” His Majesty King Abdullah II of the Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan was awarded the 2018 Templeton Prize in the presence of ambassadors, Jordanian and U.S. government officials, and Washington political leaders, faith leaders, the media, and society at a ceremony Tuesday evening at Washington National Cathedral. “Today, I am truly humbled to be recognized by all of you. But let me say, everything you honor me for simply carries onward what Jordanians have always done, and how…

It’s a grateful life: Grants explore the benefits of gratitude and humility

Sir John Templeton believed that the path to life’s blessings is paved with gratitude. Recent research has supported this intuition that gratitude and humility can, among other things, help forge stronger leadership, more productive workplaces, and better schools. But questions remain: Can we become more grateful and humble? Can scientific research help us design programs to instill the lessons about gratitude and humility? And how can we move this message from the laboratory and into the global community? With support from John Templeton Foundation, researchers are aiming to answer these questions. Scientists are only at the initial stages of work…

Five Steps to Opening Minds

A new $2.6M grant to help communities cultivate intellectual humility through online learning Admitting mistakes can be difficult — especially in a polarized society where certainty is prized — but learning to be intellectually humble may be key to fostering productive dialogue across the differences that divide us. Inspired by the need for such virtues, a team of researchers is now working to help communities learn to appreciate curiosity, open-mindedness, and constructive dialogue in a new, three-year, $3.8 million project led by Jonathan Haidt and Caroline Mehl. Created to address rifts within American society, the OpenMind Program aims to identify…

Promoting Intellectual Humility in Classrooms

A new project will help gauge how students feel realizing the limits of their understanding — and ways they can positively respond Much of the goal of education is about getting students to know things — to be informed discussion participants or well-prepared test-takers. But for education to be successful, and for students to flourish in the classroom and beyond, it can be equally important to show students productive ways of not knowing. Intellectual humility, which might be defined as recognizing the limits of one’s knowledge and being open to learning from others, has emerged as one of the central…