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Announcement by Heather Templeton Dill

It is a distinct honor, and a great joy, to announce the winner of the 2018 Templeton Prize: His Majesty King Abdullah the Second, of the Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan. Abdullah the Second ibn Al Hussein ascended to the throne as King of Jordan in 1999, after the death of his father, King Hussein, who had reigned since 1952. Since then, he has done more to seek religious harmony within Islam, and between Islam and other religions, than any other living political leader, often at significant risk and cost, and always with modesty and grace. The Templeton Prize is given…

‘A Battle of the Heart’ Remarks by Shaykh Hamza Yusuf

Remarks by Shaykh Hamza Yusuf at the 2018 Templeton Prize Ceremony Washington National Cathedral, November 13, 2018 I want to first thank Heather Templeton and the John Templeton Foundation for the honor of paying homage to someone I truly respect, King Abdullah II of Jordan. I believe Heather’s grandfather, Sir John Templeton, would consider this year’s recipient an altogether fitting one for his esteemed prize: Sir John, a true visionary, understood the great moral burden that comes with privilege. It is unfortunate that the current zeitgeist scorns privilege and fails to recognize that not only is privilege a natural part…

Francis Collins Wins 2020 Templeton Prize

WEST CONSHOHOCKEN, PA — Geneticist and physician Francis Collins, Director of the National Institutes of Health, who led the Human Genome Project to its successful completion in 2003 and throughout his career has advocated for the integration of faith and reason, was announced today as the 2020 Templeton Prize Laureate. In his scientific leadership, public speaking, and popular writing, including his bestselling 2006 book, The Language of God, Collins has demonstrated how religious faith can motivate and inspire rigorous scientific research. “This book argues that belief in God can be an entirely rational choice,” he writes in the introduction, “and…

The King and the Cathedral

Celebrating King Abdullah II’s call for Muslims — and others — to enact their love of God and neighbor Cathedrals don’t just happen overnight — they require of their planners, funders, and craftsmen a time horizon better suited for institutions than individuals, and a willingness to do one’s work without the guarantee of ever seeing the end result. The first proposal for the church that became the Washington National Cathedral was made in 1791, but it was more than a century before the builders laid the foundation stone. Its main sanctuary opened to the public in 1932. In 1990, nearly…

Remarks from Heather Templeton Dill

This text appeared as the introduction to the Possibilities newsletter dated September 26, 2017. One of the most inspiring parts of my role at the John Templeton Foundation is the stewardship of the Templeton Prize, created by my grandfather in 1972 (long before the Foundation itself!). Thanks to the expansive nomination and selection process, conducted by distinguished judges independent of the Foundation, each year the Prize winner is in many respects notably different from the last — including, over the years, noted humanitarians, scholars, religious leaders, and scientists. In recent years, we have conferred the Prize on the Czech Catholic…

2019 Templeton Prize Laureate to be announced on Tuesday, March 19

FOR RELEASE: Monday, March 4, 2019     2019 Templeton Prize Laureate to be announced on Tuesday, March 19 49th winner of £1.1 million annual prize for spiritual progress   Event: Announcement of the 2019 Templeton Prize Laureate Date: Tuesday, March 19, 6:00 AM EDT (Philadelphia) / 10:00 hours GMT Venue: Online at www.templetonprize.org; via email to journalists; Twitter via @TempletonPrize; #TempletonPrize2019   The winner of the 2019 Templeton Prize will be announced on Tuesday, March 19 at 6:00 AM EDT (Philadelphia) / 10:00 hours GMT, online at www.templetonprize.org, via email to journalists, and on Twitter via @TempletonPrize. Valued at 1.1 million British…

WATCH: What Does a Black Hole Look Like?

In 2019, scientists revealed the first-ever image of a black hole's event horizon. Now, look behind the scenes at the amazing work that went into its creation. In collaboration with Freethink Media, the John Templeton Foundation has produced a video around the question "What's inside a black hole?" featuring Harvard’s Astronomy Chair, Dr. Avi Loeb, of the Black Hole Initiative, which received a $7.2 million grant from the Foundation in 2016. Following this initial project, the John Templeton Foundation has awarded the Black Hole Initiative with an additional $3.6 million grant to continue its groundbreaking efforts over the next three…

Conversations with Grantees: Angela Duckworth

Please note: The information in this article reflects our strategic priorities at the time of writing and may change over time. To confirm our current funding interests, please view our Funding Areas.   In this conversation with grantee Angela Duckworth, founder and CEO of Character Lab and professor of psychology at the University of Pennsylvania, she speaks about being a good person, advancing the science and practice of character development, and recognizing that you're not always right — a trait called intellectual humility. "Since there have been people, there has been this question of, how do I grow up to…

Five Steps to Opening Minds

A new $2.6M grant to help communities cultivate intellectual humility through online learning Admitting mistakes can be difficult — especially in a polarized society where certainty is prized — but learning to be intellectually humble may be key to fostering productive dialogue across the differences that divide us. Inspired by the need for such virtues, a team of researchers is now working to help communities learn to appreciate curiosity, open-mindedness, and constructive dialogue in a new, three-year, $3.8 million project led by Jonathan Haidt and Caroline Mehl. Created to address rifts within American society, the OpenMind Program aims to identify…

Physicist and Cosmologist Marcelo Gleiser Awarded Templeton Prize at Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York

“Science is a flirtation with the unknown, a recognition that we know little of the world around us…” Theoretical physicist and cosmologist Marcelo Gleiser was awarded the 2019 Templeton Prize at a ceremony Wednesday evening, May 29, at the Metropolitan Museum of Art’s Grace Rainey Rogers Auditorium in New York City. “Science is a flirtation with the unknown, a recognition that we know little of the world around us, which we can perceive only imperfectly,” Professor Gleiser said in his Templeton Prize address at the ceremony.  “Yet, as it embraces the quest for knowledge, it lifts the human spirit and…