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Search results

Results 281 - 290 of 808

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Spirituality and Medicine

Scientists and medical practitioners are taking a fresh look at the ways that patients’ religious beliefs affect their healthcare needs. When we think of the frontiers where religion and science intersect — in conflict, harmony, or confusion — we might envision a philosophical debate at a university, a particle accelerator probing the origins of the universe, or perhaps a high-stakes courtroom battle like the Scopes “Monkey” trial. For most people, though, the realms of the spiritual and the scientific meet most practically on the sickbed. Doctors, nurses, and other health care providers, along with patients and their loved ones, are…

Aquinas 101: Faith, Philosophy, and Science

Diversity, Dynamism and Inclusion: A New Multi-Method Approach for Studying Liberalism

The Best of All Possible Worlds?

Scientists and philosophers continue to reckon with the spreading evidence and implications of fine tuning. The 18th-century German philosopher Gottfried Leibniz famously argued that the universe as it existed had to be “the best of all possible worlds,” since an omniscient and benevolent Creator would have known what the other possibilities were and selected the best available option. Ever since Voltaire lampooned this answer to the problem of suffering in his novel Candide, Leibniz’s argument has been considered far less useful than his other great feat, the co-discovery of calculus. And yet Leibniz’s argument is oddly relevant in the early…

Prayer, Relationships, and Health

Over the course of dozens of studies, Frank Fincham has compiled an impressive list of ways that prayer and forgiveness make a difference. Frank Fincham, who holds an endowed chair of the Florida State University College of Human Sciences, is a former Rhodes Scholar with an Oxford doctorate and a long track record of insightful study of relationships, religious practice, and health. In 2011 he was the recipient, as director of the FSU Family Institute, of a $1.13 million, four-year grant from the John Templeton Foundation to investigate the ways that prayer and forgiveness affect relational well-being and physical health.…

The Meanings of Convergence

Exploring the Implications of Biological Convergence for a Deeper Understanding of Life and its History Evolutionary convergence describes the phenomena that occur when unrelated organisms evolve similar adaptations to similar environmental or selective pressures, arriving there by very different routes. Hundreds of examples of convergence have been documented (see, for example, http://mapoflife.org/). Many technical questions arise in this work – not least being able to distinguish, in any specific example, convergent evolution from other evolutionary processes like secondary loss, or among different kinds of convergence such as parallelisms. However, enough has been learned in recent years to make it worth…

Our Grants

The Foundation offers grants in support of research and public engagement in our major Funding Areas. We invest in bold ideas from contrarian thinkers--ideas that cross disciplinary boundaries and challenge conventional assumptions. And we fund innovative programs that engage the public with these ideas, in an effort to open minds, deepen understanding, and inspire curiosity.

Recently Approved Grants – June 2017

Building Virtues through College Admissions: Developing Effective, Authentic Assessments that Positively Motivate Student Behavior Richard Weissbourd • Harvard University • $350K • Learn More Putting the Buddhism/Science Dialogue on a New Footing William Waldron • Mangalam Research Center for Buddhist Languages • $217K • Learn more Life in Numbers: Measuring Global Inequality and Other Enhancements to HumanProgress.org Marian Tupy • Cato Institute • $217K • Learn more Chance, Necessity, and the Origins of Life Robert Hazen • Carnegie Institution for Science • $400K • Learn more Expanding the Reach of the State Business Tax Climate Index to Promote Pro-Growth State Tax Policies Joseph…

“Hablando del Espíritu:” Piloting a Spanish Radio Series for Spiritual and Philosophical Inquiry

Religion, Spirituality, Aging, and Health