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Monthly Grant Report – July 2019

Recently Approved Grants Character Virtue Development Project Title Grantee(s) Project Leader(s) Grant Amount #CultivatingCharacter: A Global Movement to Cultivate Character both Online and Off Through Living 24/6 Let it Ripple, Inc Tiffany Shlain $350,000 Exemplar Interventions to Develop Character Wake Forest University Eranda Jayawickreme, Michael Lamb $1,686,200 Identifying Metrics of Character Development in Adults: Insights from shared life in L’Arche L'Arche USA Tina Bovermann, Brenna Case $220,000 Individual differences and children’s motivations for forgiveness Trustees of Boston University Peter Blake $233,917 Innovative Videos for the Greater Good Regents of the University of California at Berkeley Jason Marsh $234,800   Human…

Monthly Grant Report – June 2019

Recently Approved Grants Human Sciences Project Title Grantee(s) Project Leader(s) Grant Amount Knoxville Marriage Initiative: Partnering with churches to deliver science-based interventions to solve a community problem The University of Tennessee Kristina Gordon $234,800   Natural Sciences Project Title Grantee(s) Project Leader(s) Grant Amount The creative role of stress in evolution and development Yale University Gunter Wagner; Alan Love $886,152   Philosophy & Theology Project Title Grantee(s) Project Leader(s) Grant Amount What Breathes Fire into the Equations: The Metaphysics of laws of nature Rutgers University Foundation Barry Loewer $167,325 The Fine-tuning Argument: A Curated Bibliography The University of Mississippi Neil…

India’s Patchwork Pluralism

A groundbreaking nationwide survey explores what Indians believe about their own and their fellow citizens’ religious faiths The largest-ever study of attitudes about religion and civic life in India has revealed new insights into how the world’s second most-populous nation has developed its own distinct vision of pluralism as a patchwork of separate but mutually influential religious communities — spurring new conversations within India about the nature of identity, tolerance, and politics in the world’s largest democracy. This paradox — of tolerance and segregation — is at the heart of the groundbreaking study, conducted by the Pew Research Center and…

Monthly Grant Report – December 2019 & January 2020

Recently Approved Grants Human Sciences Project Title Grantee(s) Project Leader(s) Grant Amount Religious belief, health and disease: a family perspective. I. Data collection University of Bristol Jean Golding; Kate Northstone $234,800 Scholarship for International Faculty/Students to Attend Spirituality & Health Research Workshop Duke University Harold Koenig; Benjamin Doolittle $115,411   Natural Sciences Project Title Grantee(s) Project Leader(s) Grant Amount Social Practices, Scientific Practice, and Human Evolution Wesleyan University Joseph Rouse $233,297   Philosophy and Theology Project Title Grantee(s) Project Leader(s) Grant Amount Panentheism and Religious Life The Johns Hopkins University Yitzhak Melamed; Clare Carlisle $232,748 SCP Graduate Fellowships for Science…

Monthly Grant Report – March 2020

Recently Approved Grants Human Sciences Project Title Grantee(s) Project Leader(s) Grant Amount Developing Belief: The Development and Diversity of Religious Cognition and Behavior: Phase 1 University of California, Riverside Rebekah Richert; Kathleen Corriveau $9,866,732 Pew-Templeton Global Religious Futures Project Phase VI Pew Charitable Trusts Alan Cooperman $2,446,900   Philosophy and Theology Project Title Grantee(s) Project Leader(s) Grant Amount Social virtue epistemology: What does it take to be an intellectually humble Socratic gadfly? Macquarie University Mark Alfano; Jay Van Bavel $797,870 The Launch of MA & PhD Degrees in Philosophy and the Foundations of Science for Latin America Asociación Civil de…

Monthly Grant Report – April 2019

Recently Approved Grants Human Sciences Project Title Grantee(s) Project Leader(s) Grant Amount Understanding How Brains Represent God: A Representational Similarity Approach Georgetown University Adam Green; Jordan Grafman $924,459 Religion and physical and mental health among elderly in a predominantly Muslim and multicultural community: the causal linkages Monash University Malaysia Daniel Reidpath; Pascale Allotey $168,837 Philosophy & Theology Project Title Grantee(s) Project Leader(s) Grant Amount Time and Freedom: Reconciling the transcendent view with the view through the eyes of the participant in history Trustees of Columbia University in the City of New York Jenann Ismael $85,563 Renovatio, Phase II: Growth Stage…

An Evening Exploring the Unknown

Astrophysics, Anthropology, and Journalism in Conversation at the Atlantic Festival Washington, D.C. — Science is an incredible engine of discovery — but when scientists talk to the public, they often emphasize the results more than the humbling process of exploration and experimentation that leads to discovery. That was one of the take-aways from “Beyond Science: Exploring the Unknown,” a wide-ranging conversation sponsored by the John Templeton Foundation that took place September 26 as part of the closing evening of the three-day Atlantic Festival in downtown Washington, D.C. Ross Andersen, a science journalist and deputy editor at The Atlantic magazine, moderated…

The Role of Reputations in the Maintenance of Cooperation

Cultivating Genius, Meditation Podcasts, and $14M for the Science of Purpose: September Monthly Grant Highlights

Recently Approved Grants Public Engagement  Individual Freedom & Free Markets Natural Sciences Philosophy & Theology Character Virtue Development Project Title  Cultivating Genius Initiative Cultures of Trust and Institutions of Freedom Agency, Directionality, and Function: Foundations for a Science of Purpose The Successes and Failures of Science through the Lens of Intellectual Humility: Perspectives from the History and Philosophy of Science Testing the power of forecasting tournaments to foster judgmental accuracy, intellectual humility and open-mindedness in debates over human progress  Grantee(s) World Science Foundation The Research Institute of Industrial Economics Regents of the University of Minnesota University of Durham Trustees of…

The Templeton Philanthropies Announce New Roots & Shoots Program Honoring 2021 Templeton Prize Laureate Jane Goodall