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Strategic Priority Q&A: Intellectual Humility

This conversation is the first in a series of conversations about the Strategic Priorities that the John Templeton Foundation will be funding over the next five years. This interview with Richard Bollinger, program officer in Character Virtue Development, was conducted and edited by Benjamin Carlson, director of strategic communication. What is intellectual humility? Many people agree that the core definition has to do with recognizing and owning one’s own limitations and recognizing that one’s perspective is incomplete and at times even incorrect. Where there’s some disagreement is how much more you add to that concept. For example, some people include…

Foundation Releases White Paper on Study of Hope and Optimism

A new report explores the benefits of two related virtues. A new paper published by the John Templeton Foundation explores the latest scientific and philosophical research on the related but distinct virtues of hope and optimism. The 45-page white paper, written by Michael Milona, a philosophy professor at Ryerson University in Toronto, Canada, examines findings on the benefits and risks involved in both hope and optimism. Milona’s summary gave particular focus to the results of another Templeton-funded initiative, “Hope & Optimism: Conceptual and Empirical Investigations,” a three-year, $4.4 million project led by Samuel Newlands at Notre Dame and Andrew Chignell…

Conversations with Grantees: Brian Greene

Please note: The information in this article reflects our strategic priorities at the time of writing and may change over time. To confirm our current funding interests, please view our Funding Areas.   In this conversation with grantee Brian Greene, professor of physics and mathematics at Columbia University, he speaks about the discovery of gravitational waves, his work as a string theorist, and the value of exploring reality through different perspectives. He also discusses co-founding the World Science Festival, a forum to engage and inform the public through the wonder of science. “My view is that the best, and most…

Special Announcement Regarding COVID-19 and the Upcoming 2020 Funding Cycle

Dear Applicants, We hope that you are staying safe in the extraordinary circumstances caused by the global pandemic. In March, when the Foundation moved to remote work, we shared an update on our commitment to our grantees and the projects we currently support. Since then we have been working hard to help grantees refine their project timelines, offering flexibility wherever possible in light of the disruptions caused by the pandemic. At that time we did not address the 2020 Online Funding Inquiry (OFI) submission cycle as we did not know the full extent of how the pandemic would impact our…

Video: The Science of Forgiveness

Learn about the latest research in the science of forgiveness with Dr. Amrisha Vaish, an associate professor of psychology at the University of Virginia and leader of a project studying the development of forgiveness supported by the John Templeton Foundation. She discusses studies demonstrating that young children are drawn to those who show remorse, suggesting that forgiveness is a deep-seated and important ability for our species. So why do we all sometimes struggle to do it? This is the second video in our series of interviews produced by the independent media company Freethink. Watch the first episode here, which features…

End of Year Message from President Heather Templeton Dill

Dear Friends, Curiosity is one of the core principles that guides our work at the John Templeton Foundation. How can we live meaningful and purposeful lives? How does our social context inform decisions that we make or the way we interact with each other? How does basic science research contribute to human flourishing – even when it takes years to get results or to transform our understanding? These questions drive our curiosity because they focus on the role that humans play in making the world a better place. This year, perhaps more than others in recent memory, reminded us why…

Conversations with Grantees: David Lahti

Please note: The information in this article reflects our strategic priorities at the time of writing and may change over time. To confirm our current funding interests, please view our Funding Areas.   In this conversation with grantee David Lahti, associate professor of biology at the City University of New York, he speaks about cultural evolution, the importance of personal interaction in communication, how different types of scientists can expand the field of cultural evolution, and the rise and fall of ideas. "How do we get the ideas that we have? How do we pass them on to other people?"…

Exploring the Big Questions with Aeon

A new two-year project will fund dozens of essays and longform pieces published in one of the most innovative and engaging journals of science and thought. Founded in 2012, Aeon is a digital magazine that provides a forum for writers, thinkers, and scientists to discuss ideas at the cutting edge of science, philosophy, society, and the arts through longform essays, idea pieces, and videos. With editorial offices in Melbourne, London, and New York, Aeon is structured as an international non-profit, relying on individual donations and grant funding to make its articles freely available to an aggregate audience of about 1.3…

“The Year of the Woman”: Heather Templeton Dill Receives Citizens Diplomacy International Award

In a virtual ceremony broadcast on September 30, 2021, Heather Templeton Dill and Jennifer Templeton Simpson, former chair of the Board of Trustees of the John Templeton Foundation, received the Citizens Diplomacy International Award. CDI is a Philadelphia-based organization that promotes cultural exchange between local residents and international visitors. The organization gives the award each year to Philadelphia-area leaders who work to advance peace and growth around the world. The award singled out Dill and Simpson’s work as leaders of the John Templeton Foundation, and their efforts in developing and promoting a better understanding of mankind through scientific research, as…

Is One of Biology’s Perennial Themes Ready For a Fresh Look? Alan Love on the Science of Purpose.

University of Minnesota philosopher Alan Love studies the interplay between philosophy and biology. He is the principal investigator for “Agency, Directionality, and Function: Foundations for a Science of Purpose,” a new three-year, $14.5 million project funded by the John Templeton Foundation. Nate Barksdale, lead writer for the Foundation’s “Possibilities” newsletter, spoke with Love about the project.   How do people usually think and talk about purpose in the context of biology?   Biologists often use language that imputes agency or goals to living systems and have done this since the time of Aristotle. However, in the last two hundred years, many have…