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Two new grants aim to unravel the essence of hope & optimism

Some people are unflappable optimists. The gambler who just knows that the next roll will be a winner. The patient diagnosed with cancer who is sure he can beat it. Or the Cubs fan who knows that this year is the year. What makes us hopeful? When is optimism reasonable? Are hope and optimism good for us? Through two grants from the John Templeton Foundation, sociologists, philosophers, and scientists are seeking to explain precisely what constitutes hope and optimism, to probe what makes us hopeful and optimistic, and to discern when and where they are good for us. With support…

Video: Why Intellectual Humility Matters

What is intellectual humility? And how might practicing this virtue help to make people more thoughtful, open, and happy? A new video produced by the John Templeton Foundation in partnership with Freethink media company shares insights from the latest research and scholarship to shed light on these questions. Watch to learn more: "Intellectual humility goes back to one of the core purposes of what Sir John Templeton was trying to achieve," says Richard Bollinger, program officer in Character Virtue Development for the Foundation. "He believed the nature of reality was too big for any one person or one discipline to…

Conversations with Grantees: Tanya Luhrmann

Please note: The information in this article reflects our strategic priorities at the time of writing and may change over time. To confirm our current funding interests, please view our Funding Areas.   In this conversation with grantee Tanya Luhrmann, professor of anthropology at Stanford University and author of When God Talks Back, she speaks about Americans as spiritual outliers, the experience of God, and divine love. "One of the things that social scientists can't answer is the most fundamental mystery of all, which is what is speaking back? How do we understand that invisible other? How do we understand…

The Leap to Life: $2.9M Grant to Explore Life’s Emergence

Robotic chemical reactors, synthetic organisms, and artificial intelligence are poised to shed new light on one of science’s most engaging and vexingly murky questions — the origin of life — in a unique new research project with $2.9 million in core funding from the John Templeton Foundation. The project got its formal start this fall at the University of Arizona under the leadership of astrobiologist Sara Walker, who has made several key contributions to the study of life’s origins, and Paul Davies, a theoretical physicist, cosmologist, and 1995 Templeton Prize laureate. The three-year series of studies and analyses aims to…

Rediscovering the Greek Revolution’s Roots in Classical Liberalism

March 25, 2021 will mark the bicentennial of the struggle for independence that led to the creation of modern Greece. Over the next two years, the Center for Liberal Studies - Markos Dragoumis (KEFiM), an Athens-based think tank, will undertake a multipart outreach campaign funded by the John Templeton Foundation that aims to shed new light on the classical liberal origins of the modern Greek nation-state.  Short videos, podcasts, workshops, books, and op-eds will be released during the two years leading up to the anniversary of the revolt that eventually ended centuries of Ottoman Turkish rule in Greece. The project’s…

Heather Templeton Dill Named in 2019 Women on the Move

Leading Philadelphia-area magazine Main Line Today has named Heather Templeton Dill one of the 2019 Women on the Move for her leadership of the John Templeton Foundation and her work as an outstanding member of the philanthropic community. The granddaughter of investor Sir John Templeton, Dill has served as President of the Foundation since 2015. During her tenure, the Foundation has awarded 544 grants totaling over $475 million to support activities ranging from the World Science Festival and National Constitution Center to the Black Hole Initiative, which played a major role in taking the first-ever picture of a black hole. Headquartered outside…

More than Selfish Genes: Understanding the Extended Evolutionary Synthesis

WATCH: Tyler Cowen on how scientific funding moves too slowly, and how he’s fixing it

You may know Professor Tyler Cowen. The George Mason economist, New York Times and Bloomberg columnist, podcaster, and polymath has built a large following for his thoughtful views and voracious curiosity about everything from travel to food, wine, music, and the finer points of fiscal and monetary policy.  But since the covid-19 crisis hit in 2020, Dr. Cowen has focused his attention on how to break down the barriers that slow essential medical and scientific innovation.  He shared his views in a recent chat with Amy Proulx, the John Templeton Foundation’s Program Officer in Individual Freedom and Free Markets. Cowen…

WATCH: How Five Leaders Are Pursuing Business for the Greater Good

An Inspiring Glimpse into the Heart of Conscious Capitalism  JeVon McCormick, the CEO of Austin, Texas-based book publishing startup Scribe Media, keeps an unopened jar of peanut butter on the bookshelf behind his desk. McCormick tells people that he “grew up in chaos,” in a family dependent on welfare checks and food stamps to survive. As a child, that jar of sandwich spread represented an unattainable luxury. Today McCormick keeps it on display as a reminder to himself and others of what it is like to live in need — and what his calling is as an entrepreneur and CEO.…

The Art of Meaningful Conversations