This project will develop the public outreach and educational activities of the Society of Catholic Scientists (SCS). Such public engagement by religious scientists is needed at a time when there is widespread perception that science and faith are incompatible. This project will further SCS public engagement through four interconnected initiatives: (1) public lectures on faith and science, (2) regional science-faith conferences open to the public, (3) a public science-faith event held in conjunction with each SCS Annual Conference, and (4) “Gold Masses” for Catholics involved in science followed by meet-and-greet receptions held at colleges, major cities, and large scientific conferences. These activities will be carried out with and through SCS chapters of two types now being established: (a) Three “Regional Chapters” (1 in the US and 2 outside the US) and (b) 25 “College Chapters” on college/university campuses. The three Regional Chapters will be at Los Alamos National Lab, in Spain, and in Poland, and will each organize a regional science-faith conference open to the public during 2021-3 featuring renowned researchers and leaders in science-faith dialogue. Each College Chapter will organize annually a "Gold Mass" and one other event, such as a public science-faith campus lecture. In addition to the Gold Masses held by college chapters, we will also organize 21 non-college chapter-affiliated Gold Masses over the 33-month grant term.