2012 marked the 25th anniversary of the establishment of the Laws of Life Essay Contest by Sir John Templeton. Sir John believed that there are a set of rules, ideals, and principles which he called the “Laws of Life” that should guide one in living a joyful, purposeful life. He felt that an essay contest was a good way to encourage young people to reflect on these principles.
This project seeks to continue what Sir John started 26 years ago in his hometown of Winchester, Franklin County, TN. Based upon the guidelines established by Sir John, the Laws of Life Essay Contest will be run annually from 2013 – 2018 and participated by students in all middle and high schools in Franklin County. In parallel to the Contest, a character building program for the elementary schools in the county will also be run each school year. During each of the six 6-week period of school year, the teachers emphasize the importance of a particular trait in many different ways. At the end of the period, the student who best portrays that trait is recognized.
The Templeton Laws of Life Program will create an opportunity for students in Franklin County, TN to reflect upon their purpose in life and the importance of character virtues so that they may find their calling and become responsible citizens in the community and in society at large.